Habits and Rouitnes

Habits and Routines

Habits can be learnt, and new habits can be bolted on to existing habits, which is known as “habit stacking”.

For example, putting your daily vitamins by your toothbrush to help you remember to take them. Some habits take longer to form than others and, according to research, it takes on average 66 days to develop a new habit. In the 13-week transformation programme, you will learn how to identify the triggers for your habits and develop new empowering habits.

Together, we will create morning and evening routines to start and finish the day optimally.

The benefits of good habits

• Help you reach your goals.
• Help you become the person you most want to be.
• Allow you to help people around you.
• Increase the overall quality of your life.
• The right h help you reap lifelong benefits.