Get your Transformation! Seek your health!

The main focus in our approach is to achieve a mental shift of what you can create, the relationship with food and to develop a new mindset and habits, The transformation will be a consequence of a the right Mindset, Nutrition and Exercise.

Angel wanted to feel well again. He dropped 17kg and now has energy and vitality.

This programme has changed my life and I have dropped 12 kilos.

I needed to lose weight for a double knee operation. I lost 10 kg to the delight of the surgeon and myself!

 I can’t believe how this program has fitted into my lifestyle and how my sleep has improved. Delighted with the results after losing 14 kg.

It was time to change, lose weight and get my health back on track. I have lost 17kg and feel great!

I needed to change my way of life. I felt tired and fat” and “Now,
I’m excited about the rest of my life!

Oscar was tired and felt unfit. He also had an injury in his foot. After losing 9 kg and toning up Oscar feel great and has started walking and running.

I initially started the program to both lose weight and gain more energy. I was already dieting and exercising but not losing weight – apparently because I’d not been eating enough! I’m now eating way more than I’d expect to eat on any ‘diet’, have lost 12 kg, have way more energy and have never slept so well in my life before. Part of me’s tempted to say the program was worth it purely for the improved sleep – it really does make such a difference!

My experience with FitnessTMB’s programme has been great. I have learnt new HEALTHY HABITS and now in week 9 they are well established. These include drinking water regularly, which has improved my hydration and given me an unexpected increase in energy, and doing moderate exercise daily. These HABITS and the well-being that I have encountered have allowed me to lose a considerable amount of weight (14.4 kg). I am very happy!

Luigi enjoys riding his bike and sport in general. His overweight was causing him issues which he wanted to resolve. His transformation has enabled him to drop 9Kg and feel energized in this 1st phase, before embarking on the Evolve system to break into 2 figures!

Rosa was tired all the time and didn’t sleep well most nights. After losing 14 kg she is full of energy and her sleeping has improved greatly; she is delighted!

Salva had knee pain from carrying too much weight.
After 13 weeks he has dropped 12kg and feels healthier and his joint pains have no gone!

Jose Luis was feeling run down and unhappy with his inactive lifestyle. After 13 weeks he has lost 9 kg and has improved his nutrition knowledge and is feeling energized!

Fernando is a runner with several marathons behind him. He was feeling heavy and not his beast. After 13 weeks he has lost 8½ kg and is feeling great!

Pedro lost several kilos on his own but stagnated in his routine and knowledge of nutrition; after 13 weeks he lost 11 kg and is now energetic and very well physically!

Vincent was lost in terms of his health and physical condition. He has now developed eating and training habits and routines. He is in great shape and has lost 9kg.

Jose Sanchez was uncomfortable with being overweight and didn’t know how to eat. He has lost 8 kg and now weighs 85 kg and has energy and a balanced diet.

Andres had turned 50 and felt out of shape… He has now lost 4 kg and developed muscle tone. He has learnt what to eat and is now energized!

Jose has lost 8kg. 107.5 to 99.5 kg. He is now energetic and motivated to keep improving

Jose Maria has improved his routine and learned to eat healthy. He has also lost 6 kg and now feels great!

Very good, Jorge! 8.5 kg in 13 weeks! You’ve worked hard and you’ve done it! He’s down to 88.6 kg!

¡Well done Ramon! ¡6.0 kg in 13 weeks! ¡ You have worked hard and you’ve done it! ¡Gone from 103 Kg to 97 kg!

Great transformation, so impressed! 10 kg in 12 weeks! His commitment and effort have been incredible. He’s managed to drop from 98 to 88 kg!

Great transformation! 6.5 kg in 13 weeks! His dedication despite the difficulties has been great! He has managed to drop from 87.7 to 81 kg and is still breaking 80!

The FitnessTMB program has totally changed not only my fitness level, strength, and body but it has given me a feeling of well-being and confidence that I can achieve any goal I set my mind to. I have also acquired in depth knowledge about all the factors which lead to these goals – nutrition, sleep, exercise methods and meditation

Julie wasn’t looking to lose weight, but wanted to focus on feeling fitter, firmer and mentally healthier.
She now feels that she has developed good routines (daily workout, water intake) and is feeling the positive impact on her mental wellbeing during these challenging times. And she has more definition that she is happy about!!!

Do you want to apply for a Transformation Session?
Fill out the application form on this page and we will get in touch within 24 hours..

About our results

  • We show you the best, we don't show you the worst.
  • We show you people who follow the plans, not those who are all talk.
  • We show you those who inspire even us with their commitment to their results.
  • You cannot get results exactly like these. You are unique and that means you can only get your own best possible results.
  • Your results are a function of time spent following the plan; your genetic response to the right exercise and diet program; how hard you train; how consistently you come to the gym; how disciplined you are with your diet; & your starting point.
  • Oftentimes the lower your starting point (poor fitness, terrible body composition) the better your results.
  • We cannot do the work for you and the results you see here are a testament to the work ethic of our clients.
  • Our reputation is that we are the best trainers in the world for helping you to unlock your potential, & we can lead you to the door, give you the key, even turn the handle and push the door open, but we cannot walk through it for you. In the end the result is down to you.
I want to be a success story!
Any questions?